Medicine from the mouth
Language has the power to both heal and hurt. in the last blog, I talked about how language can hurt, now I will talk about themselves and even heal mental and emotional wounds. Loving language is literally like medicine. Once taken, can ease the pain that may have been present in a person and can make someone feel better instantly. Unlike medicines for the physical body when we have to pay for them or get a prescription from our G.P. the medicine of loving language and healing words is absolutely free! It costs nothing to send it and it costs nothing to receive it.
The poisoned tongue

A lot of us fall into the trap of speaking dismissively towards ourselves and others. In this way we are slowly poisoning ourselves and other people in a spiritual sense. A lot of the language used in modern day society is toxic. We have come accustomed to name calling, swearing, insults, put-downs and other forms of harsh language. In fact, I recently learnt from a book that 75% of out verbal programming to ourselves and others is negative in some way.
Small sentence, big difference
Loving Language can can come in may forms like compliments, praise, encouragement and consolation. They are usually small words and sentences that can uplift a spirit of a person. The impact of a healing word or sentence to a person is often underestimated. A healing word can literally transform someone in a beautiful way.
The other night, before a meditation, I decided to read one of my spiritual books which was an ancient text. There is on verse which I remembered which had a profound definition of the value of language. It read: "Better than a thousand meaningless words collected together is a single meaningful word on hearing which one becomes tranquil".
I find this quote to be very profound. It basically means that no matter how long the message is, if it has no meaning to it then it wont have any effect on a person. However, Loving language often comes in very small phrases like "I love you" "You are beautiful", "Thank you" "How are you?" "You can do it!" "You are great". Notice how these phrases are only a few words long and yet their uplifting power is immense.
Perhaps for the sake of this blog, we could change the above verse slightly to "Better than a thousand phrases of hurt collected together is a small healing phrase on hearing which one becomes loved".
"You are beautiful"
There has been some social experiments on YouTube where woman were told that they were beautiful. I think it is safe to say that they were uplifted by just one word. "Beautiful".
Kind words are so simple and so priceless and get a lot of us struggle to give and receive a kind or phrase to oneself or others.
We should all make it our goal in life to speak as kindly and as positively to ourselves and others as possible so that we can heal hearts and minds one word at a time.
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